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Covid-19 Ideas to Include in wedding

Planning a wedding comes with stress but planning a wedding during a global pandemic is a whole new ball game. The engagement process is supposed to be a happy and enjoyable time for couples. Memories are made in planning such a milestone. It is so important to remember to stay calm and collected when things may start to become overwhelming. Covid-19 comes with new rules and protocols, but nothing that cannot be handled. Here is a list of must-haves the day of your wedding to make things go smoothly and to keep everyone safe.

Guest Pre-Screening

Anyone who is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms within 72-hours leading up to the event or has been exposed to a person with symptoms with-in 14-days leading up to the event, should be considered a risk to everyone else attending the wedding. Ultimately, not allowed to attend. (But not to worry, you can always set up a virtual room for people to be there in spirit!)

Thermal Screening at check-in

The day of the wedding a check-in should be set up, so all guests and staff are screened, and their temperature is tested.

Extra Cleaning

Complete sanitizing of restrooms, hand railings, doorknobs/handles and all surfaces should occur hourly throughout the event.

Hand Sanitizer

Every entrance and exit should be set up with hand sanitizers for all guests and staff to constantly be reminded to clean their hands.

Wear Masks

Ensuring all guests are provided with masks is an extra precaution as you can never be too safe. You can even customize masks to fit you wedding theme and guest can take them home as a memorable gift.